SaskScapes - Episode 92 - "Poetree & Friends"
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From 1995-2000 CICC TV Yorkton produced what would become a Canadian and US success story with children's programming. CICC still operates as a semi-satellite of CKCK Regina. "Poetree & Friends was an original children's television show about a 10 foot tall tree called "Poetree" who spoke in poem form.
Kevin Power is joined by the 3 artists and storytellers who were the on-screen talent. Poetree and Friends became an award winning series which would eventually become a national success story.
SaskScapes is a podcast featuring the stories of arts, culture and heritage in Saskatchewan. The series is produced and hosted by Kevin Power. To sponsor your own episodes contact SaskScapes via twitter, Facebook or by email for more information. Your reviews in the iTunes store help boost the ratings so be sure to have your say!
Host: Kevin Power www.kevinpower.net
Music provided by Jeffery Straker www.jefferystraker.com
SaskScapes is also available through the iTunes Store on Stitcher Radio and TuneIn Radio. SaskScapes now has its own app for android devices available in Google Play.
SaskScapes is part of The Saskatchewan Podcast Network
Follow SaskScapes on Twitter @saskscapes
Follow SaskScapes on Facebook: Facebook.com/saskscapes
Follow Kevin Power on Twitter @kevinpowerlive
Thanks to Pip Wedge, Executive Director,,Canadian Communications Foundation for your research assistance. www.broadcasting-history.ca
Thanks to SaskCulture for their ongoing support of SaskScapes
Funding for the cultural sector in Saskatchewan is provided by the Saskatchewan Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation. Your lottery dollars at work!
SaskScapes is a podcast featuring the stories of arts, culture and heritage in Saskatchewan. The series is produced and hosted by Kevin Power. To sponsor your own episodes contact SaskScapes via Twitter, Facebook or email (saskscapes (at) icloud (dot) com for more information. Reviews in the iTunes store help boost the ratings so be sure to have your say!
Host: Kevin Power www.kevinpower.net
SaskScapes theme music ("Slings & Arrows) provided by Jeffery Straker www.jefferystraker.com
SaskScapes is also available on all major podcasting apps including Apple Podcasts, Google Play store, Stitcher, Podbean, and more!
Follow SaskScapes on Twitter @saskscapes
Follow SaskScapes on Facebook: Facebook.com/saskscapes
Follow Kevin Power on Twitter @kevinpowerlive